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Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Technology in Schools is of Ultimate Importance

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Henry_Jeon]Henry Jeon

Technology has changed the lives of all human beings. It has brought revolution to the way we communicate and the way we carry on with our work. With time, nearly all working sectors functioning on this earth are influenced with technology. Technology has made many things possible that weren't thought possible before for instance taking a trip to the moon or exploring the depths of the sea. Millions daily are reaping profits on technology. However, one sector that is lacking behind in the use of technology are the educational institutes and the schools curriculums.

Today the world is the world of technology. A child ever since is born is exposed to technology from saga games to remote controlled cars and internet games to iPods and MP3 players. The truth is that children are growing up in world that is very different from the world parents or grandparents grew in. they get excited by technology and are motivated by technology. This aspect is however ignored by those who make the school curriculums. They do not pay much attention to introducing technology in the subjects. As a result the subjects are much deprived of one thing kids are truly fond of: technology. Children find the subjects boring, devoid of any interesting and challenging and thus lose interest in their studies.

Research has shown that technology creates many useful impacts on the students. Firstly, it prepares the students for the realistic world outside the classroom. When the students go into professional life they are not dumbfounded at looking at the technology, rather they are prepared as they know how to use it and make the best use out of it. They display impressive traits by making proper and effective use of the technology, thus success comes easy to them.

Technology opens many doors for the students. The first major thing it does is that it generates extreme interest of the students. The forums present online for the students, motivate them to discuss their subjects with the other forum members and get rid of any confusions regarding the subject. There are also forums and discussion boards that promote student teacher coordination. The teacher can leave her lectures or notes on the website and give her students access to it, or even give them online tutoring during the examination days when school is closed.

Students should be taught to make proper uses of the resources available online so that they can make better assignments or gather useful material for their exams. They should also be taught how to solve problems online and how to make creative strategies, this is definitely help them in the future life.

Of course, schools are always limited in budget and they cannot blindly introduce all kinds of technology in the school, as technology needs constant upgrading and maintenance which is costly. As an effective step, the school administration should start with one technology at a time. When benefits start reaping from that particular technology they should move to the next one.

Technology in schools is of ultimate importance, but the school administration should be careful to not to expose anything harmful to the students. Special care should be taken on the kind of websites students have access to in the school.

Henry has been writing articles for nearly 3 years. His newest interest is in the Shure SM57 microphone. So check out his latest website that discusses deals and information on the [http://microphonesforrecording.com/shure-sm57-microphone]Shure SM57 microphone, as well as other [http://microphonesforrecording.com]microphones for recording, so you can make the best choice for your recording technology needs.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Technology-in-Schools-is-of-Ultimate-Importance&id=3498286] Technology in Schools is of Ultimate Importance
READ MORE - Technology in Schools is of Ultimate Importance

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

How to Get Your Teens Ready to Learn What Other Teens Could Not Until They Entered College

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jim_Chan]Jim Chan

Truly, madly, deeply, you want your children to learn and to prosper in this finance-driven competition-heavy society. Many parents dream the same all over the United State, seeking to give their children the best education they could afford before they go independent. What many parents could not dream of is, how? How is it possible to get my kids to actually learn to achieve their dreams? How is it possible to show my kids the materials they will be learning if they want to be a biologist? over 80% of college students in the United State could not decide on their future careers, after realizing that the course materials for their dream career are way too complicated or boring for them. And worse, our Junior and Middle Schools hardly provide any materials essential to our kids' future success in life. Interest in your career is important, but comprehending the course material is equally as crucial. That is why learning about your career materials in detail before you enter college is essential so that you will not be wasting time in college trying to find a major suitable to both your interest and comprehension.

"What in the world should I do to get my kids interested in learning about college course materials? I don't have the money to pay thousands of dollars for tutors or courses!"

Frankly speaking, no average American family can afford private tutors or courses for that matter. In fact, buying textbooks alone would have cost you $300 per textbook. If one buys from nearby college bookstores, they still charge you 90% of a new textbook if you buy the used ones. Overall, getting your kids to learn about what they are interested in could be a challenge. After all, you will need to buy a few textbooks from all kinds of majors for your teens in order for them to choose the one major that he/she believes to be most interesting and understandable. I, for one, never buys from any college textbook stores, yet I have a large collection of textbooks used by many top private and public universities. Some of these books include materials about microeconomics, management science, statistics, business, thermal dynamics, advanced calculus math, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, electrical circuits, physics, genetics, mammalian physiology, etc. Learning from these books, teens will be more ready to enter college with a major they like and be more motivated to achieve good grades after they already possess a fundamental knowledge of the materials.

Buying these textbooks used to be my biggest challenge that I ever faced in my life. The expenses were just too great until I found this website that sells the same textbooks college students are using now with a discount of 50-80% off all year long. This may be a little cliche, but I seriously couldn't believe what I was seeing, books that sell for $300, only sell for $90 on that website. The books are well-kept and without much damage when I receive them. Amazing shipping time!! I love to see what I bought as soon as possible, and this website did just that. Any parents who feel the urge to save some big money, please read more at: http://moneysaverbookdruggie.blogspot.com/

Frapmocha - BookDruggie Fan

Expensive is no longer a word in BookDruggie, only satisfaction still exists.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?How-to-Get-Your-Teens-Ready-to-Learn-What-Other-Teens-Could-Not-Until-They-Entered-College&id=3394618] How to Get Your Teens Ready to Learn What Other Teens Could Not Until They Entered College
READ MORE - How to Get Your Teens Ready to Learn What Other Teens Could Not Until They Entered College

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

Teaching Critical and Creative Thinking in a Global Education Setting

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Cynthia_Stephenson]Cynthia Stephenson

I just finished reading A Critical Thinker's Guide to Educational Fads, which was published by The Foundation for Critical Thinking. In it the authors discuss the essential idea of various educational 'fads', proper educational uses and likely misuses of each. The fads range from school choice and Socratic questioning to integrated curriculum. Three of these fads stood out for me as important ideas that should be considered in more depth... and together as an educational strategy.

Critical Thinking

I believe critical thinking is the most important fad discussed, as it involves metacognition (thinking about thinking). When we think critically we reason, evaluate, judge and problem solve so that we produce the best thinking we can. When we think critically, we speak and listen with empathy, consider all viewpoints, think with an open mind, observe more carefully, persevere through a thought to an intelligent conclusion. Schools should teach critical thinking because this skill just might get us through any situation in life we might face.

I was not taught how to think critically in school... were you? We use critical thinking all throughout school (conducting science experiments, writing papers), but most of us are never specifically taught how and why it is important to think critically. We need to teach students this skill along with how to master test taking, how to develop good study habits and more. Most students muddle their way through and develop these skills and abilities on their own. Think of how much more successful they'd be if we'd just give them the right tools.

Educational Fads suggests the idea of teaching history as historical thinking, biology as biological thinking. Instead of memorizing our presidents, students should analyze presidencies in an historical context. Imagine the number of students who might be intrigued with science if it were taught this way. Our schools tend to teach in such a fragmented way that broad concepts are isolated instead of integrated into a larger perspective.

Citizens in today's global world need to know how to think critically in order to effectively communicate with and work alongside others from various walks of life. We must learn how to communicate with people who live in vastly different cultures where perspectives are different and backgrounds diverse.

Creative Thinking

Genuine creativity builds on critical thought, and as the authors of Educational Fads state, something is not creative simply because it is different. Creativity involves thinking 'outside the box' in order to solve a problem, create something new, do something differently than its been done before. Simply thinking creatively will only get us so far. Creative thinking must be combined with critical thinking to truly produce distinctive results.

Creativity sparks the imagination to think in unique ways to do things, to solve problems - even in interactions with others in non-conforming ways. Creativity and imagination allow us to fathom the concept of putting a man on the moon, connecting mankind through this thing called the internet, inventing silly shoes called Crocs.

Folk lore states that FedEx founder Fred Smith received a C on a term paper in which outlined the basis for his idea for FedEx. Smith describes his thoughts not as an eureka moment, but as a simple observation. He described his thought process in a 2007 interview:

"As society automated, as people began to put computers in banks to cancel checks - rather than clerks - or people began to put sophisticated electronics in airplanes - society and the manufacturers of that automated society were going to need a completely different logistics system." (From the May 6, 2007 blog posting: rel=nofollow [http://campusentrepreneurship.wordpress.com/2007/05/06/
interview-with-fedex-founder-fred-smith-yale-university/]Interview with FedEx Founder Fred Smith - Yale University)

Was Fred Smith taught how to think creatively and critically? If he wasn't, he was certainly doing it on his own. His idea began creatively, but was followed up with critical thinking in order to bring the idea to reality in a credible and viable way and it was thought out within a global perspective, and if it had not, FedEx might not be the company that it is today - or even exist at all. This is the kind of creative thinking which is combined with critical thinking that our schools must teach our students how to do. Instead of giving them a problem to solve that may have an obvious solution, we must challenge them to combine critical and creative thinking to seek new pathways to a solution or to a solution itself that would not have been reached otherwise, as Mr. Smith did - as so many innovators do.

Global Education

Educational Fads describes global education as curriculum designed through a global perspective. In our increasingly diverse culture which resides in an increasingly open global community, global education is crucial for this and every future generation to participate in - in an age of nuclear capability, growing terrorism and an ever-increasing pool of diverse perspectives that have a voice in the global community.

Our schools serve as a microcosm of the larger world, and educators must prepare our children beginning at an early age to not only accept but embrace everyone's differences - their differences in appearance, in thought, religion, ethnicity, background, and more. We must teach students to think beyond their classroom, beyond their community, instilling in them a global perspective from which to learn new concepts and ideas, new perspectives, new ways of considering the various aspects of the world.

We in the United States live at a physical disadvantage to most of the world, as we are separated by many miles and have developed preconceived notions about the world which in many cases are incorrect or flawed, due in part to our lack of critical thinking and to large degree due to our physical, emotional and intellectual separation from the rest of the world's population. As the world grows closer because of technological advances that allow us to video conference with people globally with the touch of a button, purchase products from the remotest corners of the world with the click of a mouse, everyone must check their egos at the door; fairly address viewpoints with which we disagree; and empathize with others' insights, perspectives and knowledge.

If educators worldwide embraced the idea of teaching critical and creative thinking in a global education setting, future generations would learn the importance of diversity, empathy and fair-mindedness - allowing us as educated citizens of the world to think about our world, those who are in it, and the problems we face as a shared civilization.

Based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Cynthia Stephenson brings 20 years of sales and marketing experience to her writing which has included corporate marketing materials, websites, blogs and more. Stephenson received her BA in Journalism in 1989 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and began her career as a graphic designer and editorial assistant for Northwestern University the following year. As a marketing communications professional, she believes that writing should be concise, persuasive and ultimately results-oriented, leading the reader to take action. Whether you need a sales calling script, a press release, or an outline for an online video, her writing style is sure to match your needs, as she understands how to write to her audience, whoever they are.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cynthia_Stephenson http://EzineArticles.com/?Teaching-Critical-and-Creative-Thinking-in-a-Global-Education-Setting&id=3208812
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Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

5 Creative Ways to Decorate Your Classroom Bulletin Board This Winter

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Dobson]Jennifer Dobson

Back to school, fall leaves, Thanksgiving and Christmas all easily lend themselves to great decorating themes, but what to do when those are over and spring is months away? Invigorate your classroom this winter in color and pizzazz with some simple and quick designs. Use the five ideas below to get you started on your winter bulletin board planning.

You Are Unique

Students are unique. Each child comes with a wonderful personality, personal interests, goals and ideas. Why not highlight the differences in a positive way on a winter snowflake bulletin board. Allow each child to cut out snowflakes while tying in a quick science lesson on how snow forms, what it is made from, and some interesting snowfall facts. After the snowflakes are cut, have the children write unique things about themselves on the cut-outs. Integrate a lesson on adjectives by having them only write descriptive words about themselves. Glitter, sparkles or tissue paper squares may help to liven up a light blue background before the snowflakes are hung.

Who is Hibernating?

Bulletin boards can also be teaching tools, so why not incorporate science into a winter bulletin board titled, "Who is Hibernating?" Using a list of animals that hibernate in the winter, cutout or draw them in their winter nook. If an interactive bulletin board is needed, place the animal on one side of the board labeled with numbers and the winter hibernating location (i.e. - nest, cave, hole in a tree, etc.) on the other side. Use clear pockets and small number cards that correspond to the animals for the children to match the animal to the correct hide away.

Acceptance Starts With Me

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday falls mid-January and there is always talk of equality and diversity around this time. With a bulletin board background of stark white paper place traced and cut-out hand prints of all colors all over the board. Have students trace and cut out both of their hands on colored construction paper. On the hands the students can write, "Acceptance Starts With Me," "Tolerance Begins Here," or another appropriate slogan to address the issue of accepting diversity. Not only does the bulletin board teach a lesson about tolerance and acceptance, it also opens up the discussion about Martin Luther King, Jr.'s life and purpose.

100 Days

Typically, the 100th day of school falls during the winter months. This celebration of the power of ten provides a rich opportunity to integrate math into the classroom bulletin board. Displaying sets of 100 items like gumdrops, Popsicle sticks, pencils or erasers make for a quick visual lesson. It is also a simple and potentially colorful bulletin board opportunity.

Have a Heart

Nothing says Valentine's Day like a heart, but this year make the heart more significant by creating a bulletin board of an actual heart. This teaching board will help with lessons on circulation, exercise and general health. To tie it in with the holiday, have students write and post things that they love about their heart on paper heart cutouts.

Bulletin boards are a fantastic way to reach students with a quick visual impact. They give teachers an opportunity to highlight the uniqueness of their class and teach important lessons in a non-obtrusive way. Be creative with bulletin boards and do not be afraid to work outside the borders.

Jennifer Dobson invites you to take a look at MPM School Supplies. It's a great site where you will find all kinds of [http://www.mpmschoolsupplies.com]teacher supplies, resource books, classroom decorations, [http://www.mpmschoolsupplies.com/c-37-school-furniture.aspx]school furniture, classroom rugs, educational toys, and much more. The best part is by shopping at MPM School Supplies you are helping children in need all around the world because 50% of the gross profits are donated to children's charities!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Dobson http://EzineArticles.com/?5-Creative-Ways-to-Decorate-Your-Classroom-Bulletin-Board-This-Winter&id=3395843
READ MORE - 5 Creative Ways to Decorate Your Classroom Bulletin Board This Winter

3 Ways to Avoid Teacher Burnout

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jurinsthea_Smith]Jurinsthea Smith

For long time and new teachers, how to avoid teacher burnout is perhaps the top thought that they always want to solve. But with pressure, stress and routine activities in school, a majority of our teachers are left tired, uninspired and unenthusiastic even before they start their working day. This is actually a taboo that not all teachers are willing to discuss and share.

You might not know it, but you might actually be experiencing teacher burnout already. Common burnout signs that lead to such a scenario are anticipating the end of the day, the next weekend or the next probable vacation. In addition, diminished work interest, an unfinished work load and worst - quitting the said profession can occur. Little do we know that every teacher around the world is experiencing this in certain moments of their life. We may deny it but the signs are telling otherwise.

If you have been secretly experiencing this, do not fear. There are different ways to avoid teacher burnout. Try these tips and for sure it can drastically change your current state and can give great improvements towards your attitude and profession outlook.

Tip #1: Do not hesitate to ask for help. This is the hardest yet the most effective strategy to overcome teacher burnout. It is best to talk with your fellow teachers who might experience the same mixed with some colleagues who have overcome it. Manage to be open and vocal about your current situation. If you are not comfortable talking this with someone, an immediate family member can be an alternative. Share this with your loved ones like your spouse or your parent. I am pretty sure they can give you tips and ideas on how to avoid such a stressful black hole. They might even give you a hug or a kiss that can give you a quick mental boost!

Tip #2: Reserve some free time for yourself. When I say give time for yourself, it is a time away from your classroom and from the school. This can be a time that you can use to pamper yourself with the things you enjoy most. You can head up to your favourite spa or parlor and have that awaited massage, or better yet, try on a new hairdo. You can also invest this time towards a little hobby of yours. Furthermore, this can be a time for your family and friends. Stop yourself from thinking on your profession at this current state. And when you head back you will feel pretty refresh and renewed.

Tip #3: Know the reason behind your profession. New teachers are really the ones that have that enthusiastic atmosphere when they set foot in their rooms. But the longer they stay, the more dragging it will be, thereby leading to teacher burnouts. Thus, reconsider and rethink why you teach in the first place. This can rekindle the spark that you once had and can mean a great change to your current state of mind. Teaching is a noble profession. Look at it this way and you will definitely jump start a new day ahead.

There are actually more tips that you might want to add up to the initial three. But nonetheless, following the stated strategies can bring a whole new positive difference to you and your profession. Thus, avoid teacher burnouts by simply following it and for sure that certain grace a teacher must have will be evident next time you come to class.

Seeking for ways on how to [http://www.teachersbusiness.com/avoid-teacher-burnout]avoid teacher burnout? Don't hesitate to click http://www.teachersbusiness.com for tips on how to overcome such a dilemma.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jurinsthea_Smith http://EzineArticles.com/?3-Ways-to-Avoid-Teacher-Burnout&id=3410239
READ MORE - 3 Ways to Avoid Teacher Burnout

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

Teleclasses - A New Century - A Unique Way of Learning

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Rick_Sherrell]Rick Sherrell

If you think continuing education, or lifelong learning, is important to the success of your business, then you need to think about how much time you, or your staff members, spend on attending a traditional class or seminar. First you've got to get into your car and drive to wherever the meeting is, wasting precious hours in traffic. And being on time just isn't enough! You'd better arrive early so you can get a good parking spot, register, and get a halfway decent seat. Then you can twiddle your thumbs or reread the agenda five or six times while you sit there and wait for the course to begin. And when it's over you've got to walk back to your car, despite inclement weather, and drive back to your office. So, now you've spent three or more hours of your busy day to attend a one-hour class.

Whether it's making the leap from employee to entrepreneurship and starting your own business, excelling in your current career, seeking a better job, motivating your staff or managing your time and money -- there is a way to gain access to personal and professional knowledge, camaraderie, and one-to-one interaction simply by using your telephone. Teleclasses are a great way to effect positive change in your life. Telecommunication is the buzzword - and virtual classrooms, teleclasses, tele-seminars, tele-learning or conference call classes are the wave of the future!

Teleclasses are offered on a wide range of business and personal development topics and are an exciting, innovative way to attain valuable information, explore new ideas and gain new skills. You can examine your spirituality, inspire your life through the arts, learn a craft, dialogue on best places to travel, learn to create better relationships, learn to eat better or exercise to improve your health and fitness, or just simply have fun.

A teleclass is much like a regular class - except it brings the classroom to your doorstep! The technology is as simple as punching the digits on a telephone and the returns are immense! You simply dial into the conference call at a designated time; announce yourself to the other class participants, and the program begins. The facilitator/teacher makes a presentation and there are usually questions and comments, followed by a lively and robust exchange of ideas. A major perk is that most teleclasses are offered at a variety of times and dates, allowing you to schedule them at your convenience.

Usually one-hour in length, and fully interactive, teleclasses can be accessed from your desk, your home, your car, a pay phone or even your hotel room. Best of all, the cost is significantly less than a traditional class or seminar when you consider travel and time; making tele-learning an extremely affordable knowledge tool. Teleclasses offer positive and essential education, using technology as a tool for communication with strong and consistently positive results. And when the program ends, you hang up the phone. And guess what, your one-hour class took exactly one hour!

One distinct advantage is that you can interact with other people that have different ability levels, skills and backgrounds, who can be from almost anywhere in the country or the world. You can take a class just for yourself or you can set up a teleclass that everybody in your company can take simultaneously. The groups are usually small, 20 or less, so everyone gets individual attention through instruction that is both topical and focused.

Teleclasses are a hassle-free, money saving alternative to traditional "in person" seminars and classes. NO Travel - NO Parking fees and you get cutting-edge, innovative and customized learning in an informal setting with a select group of people who, like you, want to take command of their learning experience and aren't afraid to take risks to increase their knowledge base and accelerate their development! So the next time you contemplate taking a seminar or a class to improve your business, personal or interpersonal skills -- you might want to make it a teleclass.

Rick Sherréll is the founder of Pro Speakers Bureau ( http://www.ProSpeakersBureau.com), an Atlanta-based agency that delivers high-quality speakers, trainers and subject matter experts as well as a variety of teleclasses, seminars and special events.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Sherrell http://EzineArticles.com/?Teleclasses---A-New-Century---A-Unique-Way-of-Learning&id=73312
READ MORE - Teleclasses - A New Century - A Unique Way of Learning

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

Give Us More Choice For Education

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Russell_Hamel]Russell Hamel

Isn't More Better?

Students are writing more these days, with blogging, online chats and text messages taking up more time than their traditional homework. You would think educators should be happy. More is better; practice makes perfect, right?

As a private music teacher for the past 37 years, I have seen the effectual difference between students who are forced to learn a particular curriculum in order to pass examination requirements versus students who play strictly for enjoyment. The latter group plays more... far more, and they play better because they play more.

I observed that parents who insisted on pushing and dragging their children through a strictly classical approach in order to get a certificate ended up with a child who merely tolerated the 'torture'. These students literally counted down the days to when they could quit. Only weeks after passing their final exams, they couldn't remember how to play a single song.

Wake Up, It's 2009

Parents, teachers, administrators, and staunch supporters of traditional schools need to take note. The internet and cel phone have changed the way we communicate forever. People are writing more than ever, creating and sharing more information than ever before, not because they have to, but because they want to.

Yet, traditional systems argue that without formal training in 'good' writing and literature, students will suffer. The question is, who gets to decide what's 'good'?

In music, Bach laid the foundation for western music as we know it today. But Mozart came along and added to that foundation. His music was pretty good, too. Later came Beethoven who revolutionized classical music with his bold and daring changes. He was criticized and even cursed by the music afficionados of the day. Now however, we consider Beethoven's music to be 'good'.

Name the discipline, whether it be art or science, and you'll find that all throughout history, the associated governing boards for each particular field resisted mightily before change eventually was embraced. Imagine what would have happened if such notable 20th authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Margaret Mitchell, James Joyce, George Orwell, Ernest Hemingway, Aldous Huxley and countless others writers we revere were confined to write strictly in the style of Shakespeare.

It's the Education System That Must Change

Today in the news, U.S. President Obama is under criticism for supporting the Charter School in Education movement. For varying reasons, communities are rallying parents, teachers and school in education administrators to start charter schools in their area. They see the current public school system as inadequate and inflexible, leaving them with no choice other than to break away.

Paradoxically, this wasn't the intention at all for Dr. Ray Budde, credited with coining the term, 'Charter School'. His vision was to implement change in the current school of education system. His many disciples agreed but simply were unwilling to wait through all the bureaucracy and red tape necessary to implement change.

Arguments abound that without certain standards and structures of well-established institutions, we will surely produce a generation of illiterates incapable of functioning in society. Yes, today's writing style employs a seemingly different language, with chat room and text-speak abbreviations and emoticons becoming more pervasive.

Note to Schools - Resistance is Futile

These however should be seen as options - tools, if you will - no more different than the choices available to artists to use pointillism, cubism or expressionism. Schools must let go of the idea that their way is the better way, or as they more often think, the only way.

The internet has indeed opened many doors for the next generation to express themselves. More and more, young people are gaining notoriety and even outright fame for their blogs and social media participation.

Educators take note - the next generation is already communicating through writing more than ever before. And they are advancing rapidly in spite of all the attempts to push and drag them through traditional methods.

I applaud President Obama for bringing the need for sweeping, radical changes throughout the school systems to public awareness. I admire the courage of the charter school parents, teachers and administrators for re-shaping the education landscape.

However, with or without the debate and ensuing struggle, dramatic change is taking place and will continue to do so as it always has for millennia. Indeed, resistance is futile.

The world can seem like a crazy place sometimes...

OK, a LOT of the time!

However, no matter what is going on in your life, magic happens when you learn how to choose better feelings now! [http://lovethatfeeling.com/blog/give-us-more-choice-for-schools-in-education/]You're Gonna Love That Feeling

All the best from Toronto

Russ Hamel

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russell_Hamel http://EzineArticles.com/?Give-Us-More-Choice-For-Education&id=3328200
READ MORE - Give Us More Choice For Education