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Jumat, 27 November 2009

Teaching Effectively With School Videos

School videos have the unique ability to introduce new individuals, resources, experiences and locations into the classroom in such a way that can engage your students like no other medium can. The strength of visuals and audio will appeal to both your learners that rely on these sensory aspects. When you incorporate activities that are hands-on, the use of video will engage your learners that are kinesthetic.

Whether the video is used to expose students to a lesson or concept, reinforce content that has already been learned, or to enhance or extend the content, you can consider video and its use as a process that includes four aspects. When you implement these aspects in this order, you can deliver a better experience for your students and create an environment where they will learn something, too!

Step 1: The Temptation
Teachers often use school videos to merely tempt the student into wanting to learn more. This type of video is generally a short piece that is typically no longer than roughly 15 minutes. It will often represent a new concept in such a way that it makes students asking to learn additional information about the specific topic.

Step 2: The Main Event
When it is used as the primary tool within the lesson, the video offers all or most of the critical information that is needed to be covered to learn a particular objective. Even if the video is long enough and includes enough information to cover the topic, it should not be used without additional activities. You should always incorporate the video into discussions, questioning, hands-on activities or writing activities.

Step 3: The Extras
The video does not always have to be used to tempt students or to cover the entire lesson. It can be used as something a little bonus to enhance the lesson that is delivered in the traditional method. This step allows you to provide a new perspective that is then reinforced with a key concept.

Step 4: The Finish
You can also use a video to complete a lesson. One method for doing this is once you finish reading a book, students might enjoy watching the video of the book and comparing how the video version is either similar or quite different from the book version. This encourages reinforcement of the lesson while also providing an environment where students think beyond the lesson itself.

Video as a Tool
Keep in mind that school videos are designed to be tools to help enhance the lesson, not as a replacement for the lesson. To ensure you accomplish this goal, manipulate the medium by "directing" the experience. Pause the video to discuss what your students have just seen, introduce a new concept in a hands-on exercise or ask questions so students can guess what is going to happen next.

You can also mute the sound to have students apply their own or turn off the picture so your students can use the sound to create their own imagery. Both methods can be effective for creating an environment where students must think beyond the information in the video and apply abstract thinking to determine how the concepts fit into their world. It sounds much more complicated than it is and a little bit of planning can help you to make the most of the use of school videos in your classroom.

The most valuable and affordable resource for enhancing your classroom lessons is still educational videos and educational DVDs. So make sure you're using video the right way and see immediate benefits in your students' engagement, retention and test performance by downloading and watching "The 7 Biggest Mistakes Teachers Make Using Video in the Classroom" right NOW!

The small company, SchoolVideos.com, I work for is committed to creating quality educational videos for classroom instruction. From the earliest script stages, all subject area content, images, and music are intensely reviewed and selected for meeting appropriate grade level, curriculum objectives and standards for our proprietary productions. The videos we distribute are also screened to meet our high standards.

Teachers in the 21st century classroom will be better educators if they understand how to use multi media in their lessons, if they understand the processes that research has shown to be the most effective for improved student performance, and if they know how to find quality video resources that will enhance their lessons.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kimberly_Stohlman
READ MORE - Teaching Effectively With School Videos

Minggu, 22 November 2009

The Advantages of Recording Lectures

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=J_Finnis]J Finnis

The formal lecture has long been at the heart of university education. Large numbers of students form the audience while the professor holds center stage imparting his/her wisdom. That lectures have remained for so long as a major method of education is testament to their effectiveness, however, the traditional lecture does have certain disadvantages.

The typical human concentration span is reckoned to be around 15 minutes. After this time the audience's minds are likely to be on many things other than the topic at hand. That lectures are usually passive experiences doesn't help the concentration problem. The lecturer's personality also affects audience attention. Lecturers are generally selected for their expertise rather than their engaging delivery.

Lectures often provide a barrage of facts. The nature of the medium cannot provide sufficient time for reflection, and even the most alert student will be unable to absorb or understand everything first time around. Everyone gets the same lecture, regardless of aptitude, prior familiarity with the subject or whatever. For some it may be too easy, for others impossibly difficult. Lectures are generally one-off events, a student can miss a presentation through numerous reasons eg illness, traffic delays etc.

Many institutions are now investing in lecture recording technology, such as Echo360. This technology is being used to capture curriculum lectures as well as one-off seminars and guest lecturers. Recording may happen routinely, or on an ad HOC basis. Current lecture recording technology enables recording to be scheduled automatically according to the institutional timetable and on completion to be sent to a server, processed, and made available for viewing within an hour or so. Where lecture recording technology is installed its use is likely to become routine, or at least the default option, for all lectures.

Students have the opportunity to review lectures whenever and however they choose, and can often gain something new from each subsequent viewing. The institution can also leverage lectures, eg making the material available to distance learners, who in turn benefit from content that is significantly more engaging than ink on paper (or text on screen). This begs the question of whether there is a continuing role for the traditional lecture, or could faculty simply spend a few hours in front of a video camera recording their classes for the whole year (or for many years where subject matter doesn't change)?

I would suggest traditional lectures will be around for a long time to come. Recorded music has been around for many years and yet people still flock to live performances. For many the experience of sitting in a lecture theater listening to a live speaker will have a greater impact than watching a re-run on a computer screen. There is also the opportunity to raise one's hand and obtain instant clarification on a point of confusion. The audience also affects the presentation in more subtle ways. A good lecturer always has their antennae open for audience reaction, and will adjust their delivery accordingly, eg giving a more detailed explanation to material met with blank expressions.

Johnny runs [http://edtech.twinisles.com]Educational Technology Insight for Educators and Technologists providing an introduction to the philosophy and technology of e-learning. Johnny is available for educational technology consultancy at [info@twinisles.com]info@twinisles.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=J_Finnis http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Advantages-of-Recording-Lectures&id=3303342
READ MORE - The Advantages of Recording Lectures

Rabu, 11 November 2009

Career Spotlight - Adult Education Teacher

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Erik_R_Johnson]Erik R Johnson

Adult education basically consists of self-enrichment, adult literacy, remedial education, and GED instructors. Individual working as an adult educator may work for state and local governments, providing basic education at juvenile detention and corrections institutions. From week-long self-enrichment workshops to year-long certification courses, adult education teachers primarily offer a variety of class types and schedules. In addition to this, these days many adult educators work for job training facilities; nonprofit, religious, and social service organizations; and residential care facilities.

In terms of job responsibilities of adult education teacher, it basically revolves around providing reading and writing instruction to adults, including high school dropouts or those immigrants who are in need to have better literacy skills. In addition to this, an adult educator may also require to provide instruction in a wide variety of subjects. There are many who teach a series of classes and provide or educate about useful life skills, like cooking, time management or personal finance.

Adding to this, at times adult education teachers may even require assisting students in acquiring successful study skills and the self-confidence. They may also be requiring setting clear objectives for students and guide or counsel them, and track their progress. Teachers also may encounter students with learning or physical disabilities, so teachers must possess an understanding of how to help these students achieve their goals.

Salary Outlook In relation to the yearly income, the profession offers a salary that is simply one of the best in current scenario. Generally, the median hourly earnings of adult education teachers are $43,910. Nevertheless, the most inspiring picture of this career is that the lowest 10 percent earns less than $25,310, and the highest 10 percent earns more than $75,680. Though there are much adult literacy and remedial education instructors who work on a part-time basis, but they are usually paid a good amount by the hour or for each class that they teach.

Employment Prospect In the past few years, teachers of adult literacy held about 76,000 jobs. Many of these jobs were federally funded, with additional funds coming from State and local governments. However, in next few years the employment is further expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations. In fact, a large number of job openings are anticipated due to the need to replace people who leave the occupation or retire.

Today there are lots of institutions and schools that are offering educational programs in adult education. The program can vary depending upon the institutionalized learning methods or specific areas for an effective adult education. No doubt, it is surely one of the best options that can help you make most of your career potential. Though, working as an adult education teacher requires handling some of the major responsibilities, but it offer rewards that can beyond the comparison of any other profession.

Want to become adult education teacher, find complete information on [http://www.educationmajorsu.com/]top education colleges that offer [http://www.educationmajorsu.com/program.php?discipline=adult-education&id=210]top adult teaching programs and courses to start teaching career in adult education. Choose the best education courses for you and start your teaching career now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erik_R_Johnson http://EzineArticles.com/?Career-Spotlight---Adult-Education-Teacher&id=3238845
READ MORE - Career Spotlight - Adult Education Teacher

Minggu, 01 November 2009

An Outline on an Instructional Leadership Educational Program

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Erik_R_Johnson]Erik R Johnson

Are you one of those who are looking forward developing or improve classroom skills and follow a career as a curriculum supervisor or become an educational leader with the instruction as your main focus. If your answer is yes then making a career as an instructional leader can be the best option. Though, it is very important to comprehend that the role of an instructional leader differs from the traditional school administrator in a number of ways.

Basically, a conventional principal usually spends most of his/her time dealing with administrative duties, but a principal who is an instructional leader is primarily charged with redefining his or her role to become the primary learner in a community striving for excellence in education. As a result, it definitely becomes the principal's accountability to work with teachers to identify and classify different educational objectives and set school-wide or district wide goals. In addition to this, he or she must provide the essential resources for learning, and generate new learning opportunities for students and staff. Ultimately, ability to follow this responsibility requires deep understanding of leadership qualities. Fortunately, today there are number of colleges and universities that offer programs like instructional leadership that primarily focus on this objective. This education specialist program in instructional leadership principally emphasizes the core skills including comprehensive planning and implementation, curriculum theory and design.

The typical coursework of this program includes: curriculum development, educational topics and trends, and cultural diversity. In addition to this, the program endeavors to promote the values, knowledge, and skills needed to renew and improve education across the state, region, and nation. Once you complete the program, you will be able to:

Analyze and classify the uniqueness of an effective and successful leader

Study leadership attributes, styles and their significance for leaders to be successful

Express strategies for facilitating teams competently and managing clashes

Implement and facilitate collaborative professional development activities including team learning communities

The course enables you to learn many characteristics that can be very beneficial to your school and communities. You learn to exhibit a clear sense of direction for your schools and prioritize attention on the things that really matter in terms of the work of students. The program helps you identify your leadership strengths and gain knowledge of strategies that may engage students in the classroom using a team based learning. The program even enables you to discuss your role as a catalyst leader inspiring others to act; develop your personal leadership development plan and discuss methods for similar types of plans in the classroom.

Today instructional leadership can be broadly considered as a thoughtful journey that builds a learning culture. The program is a specialization that emphasizes leadership and managing other teachers with an eye towards a move into school administration. In recent years, this education program has gained enough popularity and expected to earn more recognition in next few years.

Want to start your career as instruction leader? Find complete information on top instructional [http://www.educationmajorsu.com/program.php?discipline=instructional-leadership&id=248]leadership education programs and top education colleges that offer hat Offer Instructional Leadership Courses at EducationMajorsU.com. Choose the best [http://www.educationmajorsu.com/]teaching majors for you and start your career now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erik_R_Johnson http://EzineArticles.com/?An-Outline-on-an-Instructional-Leadership-Educational-Program&id=3166557
READ MORE - An Outline on an Instructional Leadership Educational Program